Professional Learning
Project Specialist
Email Sarah
Office: 814-940-0223 Ext. 1388
Cell: 814-414-7814
Each year, teams are given the "STEM Design Challenge" to complete with a K'NEX STEM Design Challenge set. Teams will compete in two divisions: Grades 4-5 and Grades 6-8.
Challenge kits are available for competing teams.
Cost: $100.00/team
The 1st place teams in each division will be eligible to compete at the state competition which will be held virtually.
STEM Design Challenge Resources
STEM Design Challenge 2024 Season Information
STEM Design Elementary School Rubric
STEM Design Middle School Rubric
The 2025 K'NEX Competition will be held in person on April 10 & 11, 2025 at Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA.
Registration for this event will open in November 2024.
2024-25 Challenge information will be available on November 1, 2024.
District/Team WILL NOT be invoiced if the event is cancelled by the IU due to low enrollment
District/Team WILL NOT be invoiced if the participant cancels at least 7 days prior to the start of the event.
District/Teams WILL BE invoiced the FULL COST if the participant cancels with less than 7 days notice of the start of the event or if the participant simply does not attend.