Professional Learning
Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is located in Region 7 Safe Schools with Central Intermediate Unit 10 and Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11. Our region is know as Region 7 A.C.T. Safe Schools Team. A.C.T. stands for Appalachia, Central, and Tuscarora IUs.
Region 7 operates a centralized website for districts across Region 7 to access resources, timely information, professional learning opportunities, and service provider contracts. Visit the A.C.T. Regional 7 Safe Schools website - CLICK HERE.
A school is a place where students should feel safe and secure. Parents want to know that their children are secure. However, natural disasters, violence, and other emergencies could occur at any time. Is your school prepared? Is everyone in your school safe? Does everyone know what to do during an emergency? Recent acts of violence around the nation, especially in public settings, including schools, bring to light the reality that schools need to be proactive in taking safety and security measures to prevent and deter school violence. They also need to be prepared for any other emergency situation that could occur.
We at IU8 want everyone to be safe and can help you and your team prepare for potential emergencies. That is why we partnered with five service providers who specialize in the area of safety and security to put together emergency preparation packages that can help you take steps toward effective emergency preparedness. The packages offered include a wide range of professional learning opportunities and services, such as:
All Hazards Plan Review and Development
Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
Front Line Training
Independent Investigations
Violent Intruder/Active Shooter Drill Preparation
Threat Assessment Training
Emergency Response Team Training
For information regarding Safe Schools, please contact:
Jennifer Anderson
Safe Schools Regional Coordinator
(814) 940-0223 x1320
For information regarding Partner Providers, please visit the link at the top of this page.